
Our blog includes news from LINQ, information about recent events in the projects we work with, and insights into the markets and funding programmes relevant to our projects.

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Symposium concluding the TBnet Armenia project

On Friday, 20 October 2017, the Tuberculosis Network Clinical Trials group TBnet and Research Center Borstel hosted an international Symposium on MDR-TB in Europe.


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Symposium concluding the TBnet Armenia project

LINQ leading through EIT Health Annual Symposium

On 4-5 October 2017, Dr. Claudia Schacht from LINQ management GmbH moderated the 2nd Annual Symposium of EIT Health Germany.


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LINQ leading through EIT Health Annual Symposium

LINQ training on Horizon2020 Financial Management

On 22 February 2017, LINQ management conducted a training workshop on Horizon 2020 Financial Management at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.


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LINQ training on Horizon2020 Financial Management

CEPI aims to prevent epidemics with new vaccines

With an initial investment of US$460m from the governments of Germany, Japan and Norway, by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, and with strong backing by major pharmaceutical corporations, CEPI – the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations was officially launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos January 19, 2017.


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CEPI aims to prevent epidemics with new vaccines